
Every location of the Atomic Heart game is a central element that builds the atmosphere. We’ve collected all the information available about each of the places from the title. Here is a comprehensible guide on the surroundings you’re going to deal with when playing.

Pavlov complex

Pavlov complex - Situated on the premises of Facility 3826

Situated on the premises of Facility 3826, this is one of the principal research complexes. Established in 1944, it is a former military hospital for the gravely ill. Also, it used to house the Great Patriotic War and other hot spots veterans.

The leading areas of functioning are biomolecular and organic chemistry, neurobiology, and virology. Besides, it works on adapting living beings to various aggressive environments and human organ cloning. That’s exactly where the creation of neuropolymers started. The scientists studied the adaptation of polymers to living substances, their reactions, and qualities.

The location enables studies of the interaction of the animal/human nervous systems with polymers. It includes three major workshops, each one with its own responsibilities, goals, and utilized technologies.

  1. Medical archives. This section of the complex is completely automated. It employs the mechanics of the third type. This means that the robotics and chains of the production run on an automated basis. Human participation is not required.
  2. Surgical workshop. It is controlled by people and uses technologies of the first type. Automation of production is low, and human participation is mandatory. The department mainly utilizes robots classified as VOV-A6 Lab Techs (Vova). They perform the most delicate surgical operations and other complicated tasks. Other types of robots, such as RAF-9 Engineer (Rafik), aren’t able to conduct such jobs.
  3. Experimental workshop. Automation of production is also low, so this section is also controlled by people. The first-type technologies imply obligatory human participation, as well as in the previous division.


Apply them to the locations, and you’ll realize Chelomey houses the Twins

How well do you remember all the trailers of Atomic Heart? Apply them to the locations, and you’ll realize Chelomey houses the Twins. This place has distinctive huge windows.

And they appear in many cut scenes with these feminine robots. That’s how we know they dwell in Chelomey. It looms over the open world acting as a fortress in the sky.


VDNH - A very combat-driven complex

A very combat-driven complex with a unique staircase full of mutated plants, robots, and zombies.


Vavilov - Judging by the trailers, it’s supposed to be one of the first dungeons to enter

Judging by the trailers, it’s supposed to be one of the first dungeons to enter. The details are yet to be revealed.


Theater - The place includes the stage scene shown in one of the footage

The place includes the stage scene shown in one of the footage. It houses many various aggressive mechanisms, such as a circus robot. One of the boss enemies you’ll meet there is a giant bot named Natasha.

The Academy of Consequences

The Academy of Consequences

Only briefly shown in some early promotional content, it looks completely surreal. The character appears there with an upgraded Makarov. Therefore, it may be one of the final locations in the game.