
The game’s story is told through the eyes of the main protagonist. In the process, he encounters many other personalities. In the Atomic Heart game, characters are mostly revealed through engaging cut scenes. Each of them has their own unique features and secrets. And they can be discovered by interacting with the characters or using special items.

When it comes to looking up Atomic Heart on Wikipedia, the heroes section is missing. Here, we’ve accumulated all the information available at the moment about them. So this page can serve as a character guide in the utopian universe of 1955.

Major Nechaev

Major Nechaev

The code name: P-3

You won’t find any information about major Nechaev on Wikipedia, so here it is. He is an officer on special duties and specializes in resolving complicated situations. His entire life has been dedicated to service. While in return the agent received physical and psychological traumas along with profound, tormenting loneliness.

The only person who treats him with paternal warmth is professor Sechenov. Nechaev repays him with infinite loyalty and respect.

The code name was given to the major after a radioactive element called plutonium. It afflicted the agent in a laboratory through serious brain and limb injuries. He was about to die, but Sechenov saved him by implanting metal prostheses. However, P-3 wasn’t able to fully recover and forgot many details from his past.

As a result, he can only recall some fragments of his previous missions. In addition, Nechaev has signs of post-traumatic syndrome. He considers himself emotionally unstable and dangerous to others.

Professor Sechenov finds it very important to provide his private agent with the latest equipment. For that reason, P-3 has the Polymer Glove. This special invention allows him to absorb new polymers and grants useful combat functions.

This experimental polymer manipulator is charged through the batteries embedded into the major’s jumpsuit. His arm has a universal port that connects to the Glove. Meanwhile, electricity goes through the left hand’s rods, interconnected with Nechaev’s soft tissues and bones. Thus, the implant is managed through thought effort. Which is, basically, electrical impulses arising in the nervous system. That allows the agent’s body to absorb neuro polymers immediately.


Dmitriy Sergeevich Sechenov

Full name: Dmitriy Sergeevich Sechenov

This scientist was the first person to invent Polymer in 1936. Also, he created a neural network that controlled robots with artificial intelligence. It was named “Kollektiv”.

Thanks to that, people could be free from manual labor and develop in science and arts. Unfortunately, the launch of the project’s upgrade was sabotaged. The researcher sent P-3 to explore the reasons for the incident and restore the network. There is no information about Sechenov on Wikipedia, it’s only available here.


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Granny Zina

Grandma Zinaida Muravyova

Full name: Grandma Zinaida Muravyova



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Petrov Victor Sergeevich

Full name: Petrov Victor Sergeevich

The comrade was born in 1910 into a family of the military. He had worked on Kollektiv until the very accident. Victor continues to develop robots that had been successfully employed in national economic sectors.

Currently, he is an active participator in Facility 3826’s party life. No party penalties have ever been applied to him. You won’t find the biography of Victor on Wikipedia, so we provide it here.

The Twins

These two androids are personal guards of professor Sechenov

These two androids are personal guards of professor Sechenov. They look like women with crown braids and red stars on their foreheads. An article about the Twins on Wikipedia would be helpful. They seem to play a pivotal role later in the game.


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Newton (Pushistov)

Newton - This is a tall figure covered with white fur with an apple on its head

This is a tall figure covered with white fur with an apple on its head. The creature seems to be bleeding and it walks as half-conscious. Although there’s no info about Newton (Pushistov) on Wikipedia, he appeared in one Youtube video.

Jelly Man

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