[Released February 20, 2023]
On this episode of First Impressions, Agent P3 (and his AI glove CHAR-LES) arrives in Chelomey City. Here in this airborne utopia of the future, the scientific wonders of the Soviet Union are used by and displayed to select members of the greater public. But, P3 is here on business, as our bossman Dr. Sechenov has called us here on a special assignment. After taking in the sights of the city on the way to our meeting, and getting an upgrade for the glove, we ride a real long elevator in order to get a key from Sechenov’s two robot ballerinas/bodyguards. Then, we take a car through the air to the ground below the city, Facility 3826, where all the cutting edge technology is developed and built. Before we can touch down, we’re attacked by drones and robots. It’s only after this that our boss calls to tell us “oops, all the robots down there turned murderous a few days ago”. Still, with the help of a well-armed Granny Zina we make it to the Vavilov Complex. Thinks aren’t any better down here, with the facility on lockdown and murderous robots trying to hunt down any survivors. We meet a doctor, fight a robot with a face-mounted laser, and get accosted by a horny killer vending machine.
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